Home Power Supply Caring for double -glazed windows.

Caring for double -glazed windows.

by realapartment

Proper care of plastic windows.

Proper care of plastic windows is a reliable guarantee of their impeccable service for many years. But this procedure is very simple. Therefore, these products are popular with all housewives.

It is necessary to wash double -glazed windows only on both sides, but carefully, with the help of ordinary soapy water and a soft flangel rag. Otherwise, the glass is scratched. And it will be impossible to fix it. It also distinguishes them from old wooden windows that can be repaired and replaced by glass. Care tools are also good assistants in washing double -glazed windows. They can remove dirt from plastic profiles.

Branded sets, in addition to all this, include products designed for washing accessories and seals. They are not popular in wide circles due to their high cost. Therefore, other cleaners are used. Care for seals is carried out using pharmacy glycerol (preliminary cleaning of dust is required). Vaseline oil is used for fittings. The procedure does not take much time, and besides, the windows can be washed twice a year. Subject to all the rules, the shelf life of the parts will be long.

Rooms in which plastic windows are used require regular ventilation. This is due to their tightness, which gives a violation of the microventilation of the apartment. In addition, moisture, which accumulates during the activity of people living in the premises, does not evaporate through the holes outwards, but falls in the form of condensate on cold surfaces – double -glazed windows. To combat this situation, regular ventilation is necessary, which reduces humidity and does not allow condensation to form.

It is necessary to constantly check the condition of the channels of plastic windows, which are designed to divert moisture. They are in the lower part and become available when opening the wings. When clogging water -bears, condensate will begin to accumulate inside the double -glazed windows, as a result, cracks (in severe frosts) will appear on PVC). Therefore, the service life of double -glazed windows directly depends on the drainage cracks.

PVC is a stable material, but there are substances that are detrimental to its structure. These include abrasive substances of the detergent, alkali and acid. Their use is strictly not recommended, since spots and scratches will appear on a flat surface, plastic will lose its strength.

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